Are you stressed out about moving to college? I get it! It can be stressful, especially when you don't know how it will work, how to pack your items, how to organize your dorm, etc. We will cover that and provide more dorm move-in day tips today!
If you are interested in learning more first-hand dorm room tips, ideas, and recommendations, be sure to check out 16 Best Dorm Room Organizers We Would Buy Over And Over. or 25 College Dorm Room Essentials To Be Best Prepared.
Hey, y'all! My name is Isabella, and I’m a college student learning how to navigate adulthood right alongside you! Today, I will give you the best dorm move-in days tips and advice that I have learned after multiple years of dorm life.
1. create a packing list
I started a "Don't Forget List" during my senior year of high school, which included things I knew I would easily forget in the hustle and bustle of trying to leave my house on move-in day and the week leading up to it.
Of course, if you are Type A like me, you will want to compile a master packing list of everything. I recommend doing this early so that you can ensure that you pack everything you need and purchase all of the items you need.
I will also come out with a dorm room packing list soon, so stay tuned!
2. Use heavy-duty moving bags
These are extremely helpful for moving everything from kitchen supplies to packing your foldable clothes in one bag.
I used these bags, and they fit seriously so much.
3. Be intentional with your packing
Using the bags I mentioned above, then pack your items by category, such as what they are or where they will go, instead of just throwing random items into a bag.
Additionally, ensure your rug, rug pad, wagon or hand truck, water, and cleaning supplies are easily accessible so you can grab them from your car first.
TIP: If you are bringing extra drawers to move in, such as the ones I have linked below, go ahead and put stuff in them and organize them. For example, I had one for cleaning products and one for toiletries, and then I taped them shut so they wouldn't fall open during the move-in process.
4. Label everything
After being intentional with your packing, label the bags you are packing. This will help so much in your unpacking process.
Your dorm room will likely be tiny like mine, so it will be difficult to move all of your items into your room, especially if other people are helping you move in and even more so if you are moving in at the same time as your roommate.
For example, we had to leave some of my bags outside the door in the hallway and only bring them in to unpack periodically. If your bags are labeled, it will make this process much more efficient.
5. Make a list of things to buy at school
Items such as dish soap, shampoo, detergent, and snacks can quickly become heavy, get messy if broken or opened, and take up space unnecessarily while moving in.
Items that can easily be grabbed at Walmart the day of and easiest just to wait on purchasing them unless they are essential or hard to find.
6. Bring water bottles & have them easy to access
Where I go to school is incredibly hot, so when we moved in, we were hot, sweaty, and exhausted.
Of course, we couldn't find the Brita to get water from the faucet, and we only brought two water bottles.
So, learn from our mistake and pack a cooler with a bunch, or bring a whole pack to keep in your room.

I truly hope this post helped you feel less stressed for college move-in day! These are just a few simple tasks to implement into your college dorm move-in.
With Love,
Isabella XO